explores how micro-organisms record their environment...
...and understanding the impact of human life on the planet.
Ocean Memory Lightning Talk
There are few thought experiments that I can recollect that genuinely create slow and thoughtful moments for artists, scientists, engineering, poets, philosophers and leaders to work collectively. The Ocean Memory Project is one of those unique transdisiplinary designed communities that saves space in a non-rushed moment of understanding the non-human and human effects on the planet’s most important resource. I am a small fish in this multi-species pond observing, following, and exploring. My current research focuses on microbes, genomics, and how to embody has led me to explore how micro-organisms can record the environment around them.
Danielle Siembieda
Danielle Siembieda is an Alter Eco-Artist and Creative Director of the enterprise think tank Leonardo/ISAST. Her mission is to empower communities by navigating complex systems that affect all of us. She has spent her career addressing the UNSDG’s with a focus on clean energy, life below water, and responsible consumption & production through creative entrepreneurship and economy. As an Alter Eco-Artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Siembieda works at the intersection of community, emerging technologies, and the environment. She is also an artist in residence at the University of Santa Cruz Genomics Institute, home of the Genome Browser through UCSC’s Arts Research Open Lab.
Email : danielle@siembieda.com