...is a field based multimedia artist
Currently developing "Descent and Transformation" with OM
Since 2014 Anna has been working on field-based multimedia artworks centered on Arctic ice and subsequently hydrothermal vents after becoming involved with the Ocean Memory Group in 2016. She is currently collaborating with other OM members on a project titled, “Decent and Transformation,” and continuing her artistic exploration of deep sea mining of hydrothermal vents.
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Anna Davidson
Davidson works and teaches at the interface of art and science. With an MFA in visual art and a PhD in plant ecophysiology from UC Davis, her experiences in the arts and natural sciences coalesce into an interdisciplinary research-based artistic practice grounded in the ecological arts. Her expeditionary field-based artwork investigates topics in climate change, land and ocean use, and ecological memory. She currently teaches Environmental Art at Cornell University. Davidson has exhibited internationally and has participated in residencies including the Arctic Circle, Djerassi, Tropical Lab-Singapore, and was an Artist at Sea at the Lost City hydrothermal vent system.
Email : adavidson@cornell.edu
Website : www.annadavidson.art