2nd Ocean Memory Workshop – Djerassi Resident Artist Program
April 21, 2018
Woolside, California
At Djerassi, we built upon conversations and experiences from the first workshop on Ocean Memory, which was held at the Friday Harbor Laboratories in Washington State in September 2017.
This second workshop on Ocean Memory continued transdisciplinary conversations that emerged from Friday Harbor, while prioritizing time for groups and individuals to work on projects related to Ocean Memory. These projects may take the form of a scientific paper on ocean memory, an art installation, a collection of short science fiction, game design, collaborations with natural history museums, or more! We are excited to see what emerges, and hear what you would like to work on.
The first day included a group conversation about the political, social, and environmental stakes of studying and exploring Ocean Memory now. Each following day included morning tutorials for learning, afternoon project time, and evening discussion.
The time and space was ideal for taking risks and advancing our ideas to the next level.